The question was "What is your purpose for Money?". Not how much is enough.. although thats good to know too.. but what do you need that money for, what is the purpose behind it.. what would you do with it.. because once you have a why than the doing becomes easier.
It took me 4 full days. It was on my mind constantly.. almost irritatingly non-stop. I could have filled notebooks on notebooks with the things I was thinking and the details of the purpose I have for money, but I finally refined it down to this....
My Purpose for Money is summed up in one word: Freedom.
Freedom to work less and spend more time doing the things that matter while I still can.
Freedom to travel with my family while my children still see the magic in every new experience.
Freedom to not be tied to something that makes me miserable if that ever happens in my career.
Freedom to not worry about bills and where the next tank of gas, or grocery trip, or set of clothing for a growing child will come from.
Freedom to set things on AutoPay and forget about it knowing that there will always be enough.
Freedom to support artistry, and local commerce, and sustainable enterprise.
Freedom to Do anything that my soul feels longing for, or my body might benifit from.
Freedom to say "YES!" to opportunities when they arise. Be it lunch with a friend, or a trip to see a favorite artist.
Freedom to gift generously to family and friends whenever I feel moved to do so.
Freedom to pay forward some of the kindness I've been shown.
Freedom To invest in good photos, and art, and making things beautiful in my world.
Freedom to invest in myself and my lover.
My purpose for Money... is to no longer feel trapped by it and controlled by how much I have or don't have.. but instead to feel that it is supporting me and helping free me from those things that are detracting from my purpose and bliss.

very insightful!